HPC Programming Framework Research Team @ RIKEN AICS
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Large-Scale Data Processing with MapReduce for K

MapReduce is a simple programming model for manipulating key-value pairs of data, originally presented by Dean and Ghemawat of Google. User-defined map and reduce functions are automatically executed in parallel by the runtime, which in turn enables transparent out-of-core data processing using multiple machines.

Our MapReduce for K, which is currently under active development, is similar to the original MapReduce design by Dean and Ghemawat, but its implementation is significantly extended for the node and storage architectures of the K computer. In particular, we exploit the two-level parallel storage systems so that costly data movement can be minimized. Data shuffling in MapReduce is also a subject of optimizations using the 6-D torus interconnect networks.

The current state of development is still in a very early stage. We plan to provide an initial prototype early next year. Please contact us if you are interested in evaluating the pre-release version.

Physis: An Implicitly Parallel Stencil Computation Framework

Physis is a framework for stencil computations that is designed for a variety of parallel computing systems with a particular focus on programmable GPUs. The primary goals are high productivity and high performance. Physis DSL is a small set of custom programming constructs, and allows for very concise and portable implementations of common stencil computations. A single Physis program runs on x86 CPUs, NVIDIA GPUs, and even clusters of them with no platform-specific code.

This software consists of a DSL translator and runtime layer for each supported platform. The translator automatically generates platform-specific source code from Physis code, which is then compiled by a platform-native compiler to generate final executable code. The runtime component is a thin software layer that performs application-independent common tasks, such as management of GPU devices and network connections.

For more details, see the Physis development page.

This project is partially supported by a JST CREST Post-Petascale research project.